Chapter 8 Traffic Management

The Department for Transport has a comprehensive guide for traffic signs and management.

The Traffic Signs Manual aims to protect the safety of people who work on the highway, and the public through, effective traffic management.

Chapter 8 of the manual is titled, ‘Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situations’. This is commonly referred to as the Chapter 8 guidelines.

Safety at Street Works

The Red Book

Thankfully, there is a slightly more concise version of the Traffic Signs Manual available, known as the red book.

The red book details the statutory requirements for signing, lighting, and guarding at street works and road works.

This is the core reference manual for utility companies, local authorities, street work contractors and others whose day-to-day business involves street works. - The Red Book
8-chapter guide

Traffic Signs Manual

The Department for Transport’s Traffic Signs Manual provides an extremely detailed, eight-chapter guide for traffic signs and management.

The Chapter 8 guidelines are broken down into three parts – Design, Operations and Update.


Chapter 8, Part 1: Design

Chapter 8, Part 1 is a comprehensive guide for those responsible for the design of temporary traffic management arrangements. - Chapter 8, Part 1

Chapter 8, Part 2: Operations

Chapter 8, Part 2 is a comprehensive guide for those responsible for the planning and managing of, and participation in, operations to implement, maintain and remove temporary traffic management arrangements. - Chapter 8, Part 2

Chapter 8, Part 3: Update

Chapter 8, Part 3 provides information on changes to the methods used to prescribe traffic signs in the 2016 Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions. - Chapter 8, Part 3


Chapter 3: Regulatory Signs

Chapter 3 explains the correct use of regulatory signs prescribed by Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (TSRGD). These include STOP, GIVE WAY, prohibited turns, waiting and loading restrictions, and bus and cycle lanes. There is also a comprehensive section dealing with the signing of speed limits. - Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Warning Signs

Chapter 4 explains the use of the warning signs prescribed by TSRGD. It enables the correct sign to be used and advises on the appropriate size and siting to ensure adequate warning of the hazard. - Chapter 4

Traffic Signs Manual: Other chapters

Other guidance for traffic authorities on the use of traffic signs and road markings. - Other Chapters
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