JSP Sonis 3 Ear Defenders SNR 37 - Moulded Headband
These ear defenders are the weapon of choice when things get extremely loud. They will reduce noise exposure by 37dB. This high attenuation level makes these ear defenders perfect for use in extremely noisy environments such as those found in quarrying, taxiway, and heavy engineering applications.
The large earcup housing contains sound absorbent foam, which absorbs sound energy cutting down the sound that reaches the ears significantly. The earcups cushions and foam sound insulation can be changed when required using a service kit to extend the lifespan of the ear protectors.
The JSP Sonis 3 comes complete with an over moulded, vented headband that is easy to keep clean. The headband also features the ability to adjust the cup height and angle to facilitate an excellent, comfortable fit on the ears. If you wear a helmet and need a set of ear defenders, you will want to look at the Helmet mounted Sonis 3 ear defenders.