Fixed Height Restriction Barrier Free Standing

Product code: 14407-3000 View the product details
£1,436.23 excl. VAT
£1,723.48inc. VAT
Dispatches in 15-20 Days

Width: 3000mm

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Fixed Height Restriction Barrier Free Standing
£1,436.23 excl. VAT
£1,723.48inc. VAT

Fixed Height Restriction Barrier Free Standing

When you need to prevent tall vehicles such as vans and caravans from entering a car park this height restriction barrier is just what you need. Its freestanding construction means that it can be erected anywhere there is space.

Two hot-dipped galvanised uprights form the legs of the height restrictor. These are powder coated a vibrant red colour for enhanced contrast against the surrounding area. Each leg is made from a substantial 100mm square section steel with a 3mm wall thickness. The crossbar is made from white painted aluminium that features retro reflective panels for better visibility.

As this kit is surface mounted it can be bolted down anywhere that there is a suitable foundation. This may be at the access to public car parks, private car parks, factory and office driveways.

Fixed height barrier installed in park

Adjustable Heights

The crossbar can be adjusted between five different heights. These include; 2,800mm, 2,650mm, 2,500mm, 2,350mm and 2,200mm. The overall height of the setup is 3,010mm.

Available in Different Widths

This kit is available in several different widths starting with a maximum drive-through width of 3 metres all the way through to 10 metres. This flexibility allows you to fit the restrictor over several lanes of traffic if needed.

Fine Tune The Height

An optional aluminium box-section nudge bar allows you to fine-tune the height of the barrier. The nudge bar is suspended from chains and hangs down below the crossbar by up to 400mm.

telescopic adjustment

Drive Through Width

This measurement indicates the width that is clear for vehicles to drive through. Please note, the overall length is different and shown in the accompanying table.

It is important to note that the overall length is longer than the drive-through width.

Overall width (mm) through width (mm) Delivery Weight (kg/ea.) Product Code Despatch time (working days)
3250 3000 70 14407-3000 15 / 20
4230 4000 75 14407-4000 15 / 20
5230 5000 80 14407-5000 15 / 20
6230 6000 90 14407-6000 15 / 20
7230 7000 95 14407-7000 15 / 20
8230 8000 100 14407-8000 15 / 20
9230 9000 105 14407-9000 15 / 20
10230 10000 110 14407-10000 15 / 20

Other Height Barrier Systems

GS6 Temporary Height Restriction Barrier System

GS6 Kits

For road and construction sites the GS6 kit is king. These carry out the same job but are specially developed just for construction sites.

Aluminium Height Bar

Aluminium Height Bar

A height bar made from a durable aluminium profile. It comes in more lengths and sizes.

Plastic Height Bar

Plastic Height Bar

Supplied in a high reflectivity red and white this simple plastic bar will reduce the risk of causing damage to vehicles.

Pivoting Height Restrictor

Pivoting Height Restrictor

Providing its own structure these pivoting systems can also be moved out of the way to grant access to permitted larger vehicles.

Need Assistance Finding The Right Height Restriction Solution?

We are here to help you get the best height restriction system for your needs. Whether you are looking to keep cars from damaging the ceiling of an underground car park or prevent caravans entering parkland we have what you need. Call us today to speak to one of the team on 01905 794 875 for more information.

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