Paving Slurry Primer

When spending thousands of pounds on materials and tens of hours of labour laying paving, why take the chance on using homebrew priming systems when there are excellent BS 7533 compliant slurry primers available at Start Safety? These primers have been lab-proven to increase adhesion with your bedding mortar.

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About Paving Slurry Primer

No one likes returning to a job to make repairs or, worse, tear it all up and start again. Our range of quality slurry primers has proven increased adhesion between bedding mortars and paving slabs. This ensures that patios and paving last longer without rocking pavers and loose slabs.

Our quality primer slurry can quickly and easily be applied to the back of a paver before bedding onto its foundation. The primer does what its name suggests, it primes the surface for the bedding mortar, allowing it to form a strong bond and reduce the risk of separating. 

Available in tubs or bags with full instructions printed on the packaging, these paving primer slurries are BS 7533 compliant when used correctly and significantly outperform typical ‘DIY’ solutions like painting watered-down cement onto the back of pavers.