Slippery Road Ahead / Skid Risk Sign - 557
The skid risk warning sign to diagram 557 alerts drivers where the road is slippery and the danger of a vehicle skidding is greater than usual. This is usually where drainage is poor or the surface is covered in chippings or is of poor quality.
A plate ‘For’ and a distance may be supplemented. Detailed guidance on road conditions can be found in HD 28, Skidding Resistance, in Volume 7 of DMRB if you are unsure if a special warning is necessary. Additionally, the use of this diagram should be minimal to not undermine its meaning to road users. Work to improve the skidding resistance or drainage of the road should be done as soon as possible, with the signs removed upon completion.
This sign comes in 450-1500mm. The standard size is 600mm but larger sizes are sometimes needed depending on the severity of road conditions or road speed.