ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed
ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed
ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed
ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed

ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed

Product code: 13793-A View the product details
£28.32 excl. VAT
£33.98inc. VAT
In Stock

Kit Size: 1m x 1m

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ShedGrid Plastic Shed Base Kits For All Sizes Of Shed
£28.32 excl. VAT
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ShedGrid Kits For All Sizes of Sheds

The original ShedGrid, a shed base system that allows water to quickly and efficiently drain away preventing rot and puddles. One of the most common failure points of a traditional timber shed is the base, which often rots due to being placed on a non-porous surface such as paving slabs.

The ShedGrid system provides a fast and easy to lay foundation for garden sheds, log stores, and garden storage bins. Unlike other foundations though ShedGrid provides incredible drainage, keeping water away from the shed base, helping reduce the risk of rotting or flooding.

ShedGrid Is superior when compared to other systems on the market. We not only use the genuine ShedGrid, but we also use the Premium version that is strong enough to support up to 44 tonne per square meter! Each kit comes complete with commercial grade geotextile membrane, to prevent weeds from coming through.

shedGrid used in garden

ShedGrid Installation

If installing on a flat level area installation could not be easier.

  1. Find a large flat area and clip the ShedGrid together to one large sheet the correct size for your shed. If your shed is particularly large you may need to split it into two or more sub-sections. It is important that the gird is the right way up, the webbed sections should be on the underside.
  2. Lay your membrane onto the ground where you want to install your shed and weight it down on the corners with stones.
  3. Get an assistant to help lift your plastic grid as an assembly and place it on top of your weed-proof membrane.
  4. Check the grid is level with a spirit level. If it is not level fine sand can be used on top of the membrane to lift the grid where there are any low points.
  5. Fill the grids using a shovel so that it is level to the top, and trim any excess fabric from around the edges with sharp scissors.

Your Shed Base foundation is now complete.

If you are not working with level ground there is an excellent guide here: that provides plenty of instruction on how to produce a foundation strong enough to park a car on.

ShedGrid cutting for installation

Just The Right Size Kit For your needs

Each kit is supplied with just enough grids to protrude past the size of the shed that you are installing on top of it. We have included a table below that details the shed size, how many grids you will receive, and the overall dimensions of the ShedGrid foundation.

Shed Size (ft/m) Overall Foundation Size (m) Quantity Of Grids Kit Version
(2x3) (ft) (0.61x0.91) (m) 1x1 4 A
(3x4) (ft) (0.91x1.22) (m) 1x1.5 6 B
(3x5) (ft) (0.91x1.52) (m) 1x2 8 C
(3x6) (ft) (0.91x1.83) (m) 1x2 8 C
(2x8) (ft) (0.61x2.44) (m) 1x2.5 10 D
(3x7) (ft) (0.91x2.13) (m) 1x2.5 10 D
(3x8) (ft) (0.91x2.44) (m) 1x2.5 10 D
(3x9) (ft) (0.91x2.74) (m) 1x3 12 E
(3x10) (ft) (0.91x3.05) (m) 1x3.5 14 F
(4x5) (ft) (1.22x1.52) (m) 1.5x2 12 G
(4x6) (ft) (1.22x1.83) (m) 1.5x2 12 G
(4x7) (ft) (1.22x2.13) (m) 1.5x2.5 15 H
(4x8) (ft) (1.22x2.44) (m) 1.5x2.5 15 H
(4x9) (ft) (1.22x2.74) (m) 1.5x3 18 J
(4x10) (ft) (1.22x3.05) (m) 1.5x3.5 21 K
(5x6) (ft) (1.52x1.83) (m) 2x2 16 L
(6x6) (ft) (1.83x1.83) (m) 2x2 16 L
(5x7) (ft) (1.52x2.13) (m) 2x2.5 20 M
(5x8) (ft) (1.52x2.44) (m) 2x2.5 20 M
(6x7) (ft) (1.83x2.13) (m) 2x2.5 20 M
(6x8) (ft) (1.83x2.44) (m) 2x2.5 20 M
(5x9) (ft) (1.52x2.74) (m) 2x3 24 N
(6x9) (ft) (1.83x2.74) (m) 2x3 24 N
(6x10) (ft) (1.83x3.05) (m) 2x3.5 28 P
(6x12) (ft) (1.83x3.66) (m) 2x4 32 Q
(7x7) (ft) (2.13x2.13) (m) 2.5x2.5 25 R
(7x8) (ft) (2.13x2.44) (m) 2.5x2.5 25 R
(8x8) (ft) (2.44x2.44) (m) 2.5x2.5 25 R
(8x9) (ft) (2.44x2.74) (m) 2.5x3 30 S
(7x10) (ft) (2.13x3.05) (m) 2.5x3.5 35 T
(8x10) (ft) (2.44x3.05) (m) 2.5x3.5 35 T
(8x12) (ft) (2.44x3.66) (m) 2.5x4 40 U
(8x13) (ft) (2.44x3.96) (m) 2.5x4 40 U
(8x14) (ft) (2.44x4.27) (m) 2.5x4.5 45 V
(8x16) (ft) (2.44x4.88) (m) 2.5x5 50 W
(9x9) (ft) (2.74x2.74) (m) 3x3 36 X
(10x10) (ft) (3.05x3.05) (m) 3.5x3.5 49 Y
(10x11) (ft) (3.05x3.35) (m) 3.5x3.5 49 Y
(10x12) (ft) (3.05x3.66) (m) 3.5x4 56 Z

If you are tight for space the shedgrid can be cut to size using a hand saw or circular saw with ease.

Need Assistance?

We are here to help you get just the right shed foundation for your needs. We want to ensure that you get just the right kit so that you can quickly and easily install your foundation with minimal effort, ensuring you are sat and admiring your work in as little time as possible. Our sales team can be contacted on 01905 794 875 during office hours.

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