Priority Over Oncoming Vehicles Sign 811
This sign means your side has the right of way over traffic coming from the other direction. This will be used on narrow roads or where traffic calming islands are installed. The opposing side of this sign would be sign diagram 625, 'Give Way To Oncoming Vehicles'.
This sign should always be Supplemented with “Priority over oncoming vehicles" with or without a distance. Unless where the priority section starts and ends is obvious such as under an arch bridge, the sign face should have a distance plate to say how far the priority applies, with another diagram plated "End" where it stops. For further details on road organisation around diagram 811, refer to section 4.8 within chapter 3 of the TSRGD Traffic Signs Manual.
This sign comes from 600mm high, to 1600mm high. Please check the options when adding this diagram to the cart. If you can’t find the size you need, however, our sales team will be happy to quote.