Carters ManMade Newcastle Drainer Shovel
The Manmade “Grafter” shovel is a unique tool that is favoured by many workers for a multitude of applications. Its long, tapered curved blade makes it very capable when digging drainage channels and equally effective at digging post holes. At the rear of the forged blade are two “wings” that provide ample space for your feet to apply pressure.
The head of this spade is forged from a single piece of steel and is a solid socket design, meaning there are no welds to add weak points. The narrow curved design makes this popular with a range of industries and sectors, from farmers and utility workers to builders and fencing contractors.
We supply this shovel with a wide range of handle types, allowing you to choose the tool that best suits your personal preference. We stock this shovel with an all-steel shaft and wooden handle, the ash MYD handle with an ash shaft and handle, and the modern plastic Polyfibre YD handle.