

When you really need to nail a job, a high-quality hammer is a must-have item. Within our comprehensive range, you will find not only BS8020 insulated hammers but also scutch and other specialist hammers designed for everything from clearing mortar from reclaimed bricks to knocking in rail ties and demolishing walls. We work with some of the biggest and best brands in tools, and our hammers are made by some of the longest-established brands in the world, ensuring all you get is quality and a dependable tool.

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Carters Shocksafe Insulated 10lb Keying Hammer BS8020

Carters Shocksafe Insulated 10lb Keying Hammer BS8020

£47.55 excl. VAT
£57.06inc. VAT
Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Man Made Fibreglass Sledge Hammer

    Carters Man Made Fibreglass Sledge Hammer

    From £19.26 excl. VAT
    From £23.11inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Man Made 10lb Rubber Paving Maul With Hickory Handle
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Manmade Brick Hammer With Polyfibre Handle

    Carters Manmade Brick Hammer With Polyfibre Handle

    £8.89 excl. VAT
    £10.67inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Shocksafe Insulated Sledge Hammer BS8020

    Carters Shocksafe Insulated Sledge Hammer BS8020

    From £42.22 excl. VAT
    From £50.66inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Man Made Hickory Double End Scutch Hammer

    Carters Man Made Hickory Double End Scutch Hammer

    £12.12 excl. VAT
    £14.54inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Man Made Hickory Sledge Hammer

    Carters Man Made Hickory Sledge Hammer

    From £19.26 excl. VAT
    From £23.11inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters ManMade Fibreglass Club Hammer

    Carters ManMade Fibreglass Club Hammer

    From £7.88 excl. VAT
    From £9.46inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters ManMade Hickory Club Hammer

    Carters ManMade Hickory Club Hammer

    From £9.02 excl. VAT
    From £10.82inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Manmade Tubular Steel Claw Hammer

    Carters Manmade Tubular Steel Claw Hammer

    From £5.45 excl. VAT
    From £6.54inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Manmade Hickory Brick Hammer

    Carters Manmade Hickory Brick Hammer

    £11.85 excl. VAT
    £14.22inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Shocksafe Insulated 20oz Claw Hammer BS8020

    Carters Shocksafe Insulated 20oz Claw Hammer BS8020

    £18.91 excl. VAT
    £22.69inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters ManMade Forged Claw Hammer

    Carters ManMade Forged Claw Hammer

    £9.43 excl. VAT
    £11.32inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters ManMade Hickory Claw Hammer

    Carters ManMade Hickory Claw Hammer

    From £6.42 excl. VAT
    From £7.70inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock
  • Carters Shocksafe Insulated Club Hammer BS8020

    Carters Shocksafe Insulated Club Hammer BS8020

    From £23.86 excl. VAT
    From £28.63inc. VAT
    Richard Carter Tools
  • In Stock

  • Hammers - Buy From The Best Hammer Brands

    If you are looking for a new hammer for your toolbag, then we have what you need at Start Safety. We stock everything from a simple all-steel claw hammer right through to insulated sledge hammers and keying hammers. All of these are made from quality materials and manufactured by reputable brands that have a proven track record ensuring you get a hammer that will get the job done.

    Our comprehensive range of hammers allows us to service every customer, from the humble DIY enthusiast to the professional builder and specialist rail network engineer. Our helpful team are here to help you find the best hammers for your money and make an educated choice when browsing all the types of hammers we offer.

    Some of the specialist hammers we offer include BS8020 insulated hammers; these can be found easily by looking for BS8020 or Shocksafe in the product name. Other specialist hammers include paving mauls, fence post hammers, walling hammers, ball peen hammers and many, many more. We offer a choice of handle materials on most ranges, allowing you to get a handle that suits your preference and application.

    Claw hammer beinbg used

    Get The Right Hammer Handle

    BS8020 Compliant Tools

    BS8020 / Shocksafe

    A specialist insulated handle that can protect the user from shocks from live conductors and cables. Often required for use on utility and rail infrastructure sites.

    All Steel Handle

    All Steel

    Forged from a single piece of steel, our all-steel claw hammers feature an over mould for comfort but are otherwise a single-piece construction and nearly indestructible.

    All Wooden Handle


    Traditional Wooden handled hammers offer a lightweight handle with intrinsic shock absorption due to the natural characteristics of wood.

    Lump Hammer


    A fibreglass handle is a modern alternative to wood these tools feature overmouds for added grip and comfort and are lighter weight than its all-steel counterparts.

    Key Types Of Hammers In Our Range

    Claw Hammer

    Claw Hammers

    Curved claw hammers are the go-to hammer for most people, they feature a striking face and a rear claw for prying and removing nails. Available with a choice of handles.

    Lump Hammer

    Lump Hammers

    These heavy hammers are used for striking cold chisels and are heavier than most single-handed hammers. They are available with a choice of handle materials and different head weights.

    Sledge Hammer

    Sledge Hammers

    The heaviest hitters in the range, with heads weighing as much as 14kg and extra long handles for two-handed use. These deliver a heavy blow and are used for knocking heavy equipment pins in place or striking tools.

    Brick Hammer

    Brick Hammers

    These are similar to a claw hammer but feature a rear chisel for cutting bricks to size. They are used by builders and brick layers primarily. Available with a choice of handle materials.

    Rubber Maul


    Available in a range of styles, these feature a rubber or wooden head and are designed for setting paving slaps, or delicate items in place.

    Ball Peen Hammer

    Ball Peen Hammers

    An engineering hammer with a ball head on the rear, used for shaping materials, and available in a wide range of sizes.

    Key Parts Of a Hammer

    Parts of a hammer
    • Head - The part of the hammer that carries the weight and makes the tool useful, this can be twin-sided with a different tool on either side.
    • Face - This is the striking surface, which can be bright-faced (plain milled steel) depending on the hammer.
    • Handle - This can vary in length and be made from wood, fibreglass, plastic or steel.
    • Grip - This component is not on every tool, and is used to facilitate greater grip of the tool by the user whilst using the tool.
    • Claw - Only present on claw hammers, this is used to remove nails by using the tool as a lever.