Taxis, Bicycles and Buses Only Road Sign Diagram 953
The "Buses, Cycles and Taxis Only" sign should be used at the entry points to where a one-way or two-way road is permitted for use by only buses, pedal cycles and taxis. The sign can be varied to remove ‘taxi’.
This sign may have a supplementary plate where a time period rule applies or the plate ‘and authorised vehicles’ or both. Authorised vehicles shouldn’t include motorcycles as diagrams 953A, "Buses, Cycles and Solo Motorcycles Only" and 953B, "Buses, Cycles, Solo Motorcycles and Taxis Only" are the only signs that permit this.
A one or two way road reserved for specific vehicles can also be plated with the "No Entry" sign to diagram 616 with the necessary exception plate. The "No Entry" sign can not be used with a time plate, though, so for cases where a time period applies, 953 is needed. Where vehicles other than buses, cycles and taxis are permitted to use the road, diagram 619 "Motor Vehicles Prohibited" can be used. The plates could then allow for permit holders or 'for access' or 'loading' and may have a time period. Diagram 617 "All Vehicles Prohibited" with the appropriate exception plate can be used alternative to 619 where pedal cycles are permitted. Whatever option you choose, try to use one type of sign around the same area to avoid confusion.
We can provide this sign at 450mm-1200mm. Please contact our sales team if you can't see your required size.