Other Danger Ahead Sign - 562
The exclamation mark sign diagram 562 is without a specific message on its own as it is for use only with a supplementary plate. Its use is usually temporary, to alert of a new hazard in the road, however where it is difficult to sign for a permanent hazard such as a ‘Hidden Dip’ it is permitted for permanent use until the hazard is removed.
This may be supplemented by “Accident”, “Ambulance station”, “Blasting”, “Blind summit”, “Census”, “Dust cloud”, “Fallen tree”, “Fire station”, “Frost damage”, “Hidden dip”, “Overhead cable repairs”, “Pedestrians crossing”, “Rising bollards”, “Road liable to flooding”, “Runners in road”, “Smoke” or “Walkers in road”. A distance, an arrow or both may be added.
Where pedestrians are forced to frequently cross high-speed roads, such as where new roads intersect previous pedestrian routes, the plate should read ‘Pedestrians Crossing’ at a distance appropriate to the 85th percentile speed, mentioned in Appendix A of the Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 4. This is not necessary where a formal crossing is used.
This sign can come in the standard sizing of 600mm with sizes up to 1500mm, please call our sales team if you need a larger size.