Diagram 610 Vehicles Must pass on The side indicated (right)
This post mounted keep right road sign is mentioned in the TSRGD guidelines as diagram 610. It is used to inform traffic that traffic must pass the sign on the side indicated. There are several common sites where these keep right signs are used, these include the exits of roundabouts and on traffic islands and junctions. This sign can be used with a 608 sign when used on a dual carriageway.
There are several different sizes of this sign available, which one you require will depend on the application. When used offroad in a public car park sizing restrictions are relaxed. For “on road” use the official Chapter 3 guidelines should be followed.
This sign is made from a durable composite backing material with channels fixed ready for post mounting. To mount this sign you will require two additional post clamps that are available separately. The reflectivity of this sign is grade R2 (was RA2) class 2.