Horse and Carriages Prohibited Sign 622.5
In areas where horse-drawn vehicles are still in use, there may be roads which are not suitable for horses and carriages causing potential hazards to themselves or other road users. Horse-drawn vehicles and their horses are not allowed past a "horse drawn vehicles prohibited" sign diagram 622.5. The sign to prohibit access to ridden or accompanied horses on the road is 622.6 which may be needed instead.
This sign may be common in tourist-heavy towns and villages where the use of horse-drawn carriages are still regularly used. Supplementary plates that can be used alongside this sign include time periods where the prohibition may not be in effect and/or an exception plate. This sign may be erected without a supplementary plate prohibiting access at all times.
Diagram 622.5 is usually provided at 450mm or 600mm as horse-powered transport will not be travelling at a high enough speed to find it difficult to see the diagram. We can provide alternate sizing to the options on the website if needed, however, through contacting our sales team.