Dry Wipe Custom Information Cone Sign 600x450mm - Face Only
Dry Wipe Custom Information Cone Sign 600x450mm - Face Only

Dry Wipe Custom Information Cone Sign 600x450mm - Face Only

Product code: 20427-PR View the product details
£27.66 excl. VAT
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Proof Required (inc. 1 Revision): Yes
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  • Made to order: This product is made to order and, therefore, has a restricted returns policy. Please see our returns policy for more details.

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Dry Wipe Custom Information Cone Sign 600x450mm - Face Only
£27.66 excl. VAT
£33.19inc. VAT

600x450mm Cone Sign Dry Wipe Custom Courtesy Board / Notification Boards (face only)

When carrying out planned roadworks it's important to display an information board for the public to read. These signs typically say who is carrying out the work, the expected date of completation and include an emergency contact number. This particular variant of this sign incorporates these with dry wipe areas so the signs can be used for multiple jobs or changed on site if required.

Key Features:

  • Customisable Company Name
  • Customisable Job Description
  • Dry wipeable Contractor Name
  • Dry wipeable Expected Completion Date
  • Dry wipeable Emergency Telephone Number
  • Dry wipeable Permit Number
  • Apology for the inconvenience
  • 600x450mm cone sign face

What the Red Book says

Page 23 of the October 2013 Safety at Streetworks guide (the Red Book) gives a clear example and guidance on the design and use of information boards during road works.

"An information board must be displayed at every street and road works site except mobile works, short duration works and minor works that do not involve excavation. Information boards are still highly desirable at these sites where it is safe and practicable to provide them. This board should be placed so that it does not obstruct footways or carriageways but can be clearly read by pedestrians, and any drivers who have stopped close to the board. The information board must give the name of the organisation undertaking the works, any principal contractor and an emergency contact telephone number. Wherever practical, it should also contain other information that will be helpful in explaining to the public why the work is being done, how long it will take and a message apologising for inconvenience.

For mobile and short duration works that do not involve excavation or advance signing, information may be displayed on works vehicles, so long as it does not cause a distraction to drivers."

What the Traffic signs manual (Chapter 8) says

Extracted from Part 1: Design of the Chapter 8 Traffic Signs Manual (D4.15.5)

"This sign for pedestrians gives details about the nature of street works, giving name of employer and contractor, emergency telephone number, and apology for inconvenience. Signs must be sited where they will not cause an obstruction."

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