Privacy policy

Safety & Privacy

At Start Safety we take your privacy and trust very seriously. We take great pride in knowing that we keep your data safe and secure and do not sell, trade or exchange your data with other businesses for marketing purposes.

To process orders and ensure that goods ordered arrive on time we do have to share your details with some business partners, such as couriers to deliver your goods and payment gateways so that you can pay for your items.

So that you can see who we share your data with and why we do this we have put together this privacy policy. This outlines your rights and tells you how to request a copy of the information we hold about you.


To operate our website and fulfil orders we have to set cookies on your browser. Cookies are small files that allow our website to remember what items are in your basket and what pages you visited they also allow us to improve our website functionality and advertising relevance.

None of the cookies we set contains any personally identifiable information. You can delete any cookies on our browser at any time. Should you wish to do so you can by following instructions here:

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

The cookies we set fall into several categories;

  • Essential - These are the cookies that keep our website working and help us to maintain the functionality of our website. They assist in tracking the items in your cart and ensure payment gateways work correctly.
  • Customer Cookies - These cookies are used to remember if you have been onto our website before, they allow us to tailor the features of our website to improve your shopping experience.
  • Google Analytics - These cookies are set by third party tracking software to see how you use our website. They do not contain any personal identifying information about you. They let us know how many people, and what pages they use on our website and ensure that we can continue to develop our website and product range to give the best possible service. These cookies do not contain any information that would allow us to identify any user as an individual.
  • Social Networks - We use cookies from social media websites to allow visitors to take advantage of faster login options.
  • Chat Box - Our on site chat system uses a cookie to remember if you have previously used the chat system on our website. This means that once you return to our site from the same pc, you can pick up your conversation from where you left off.
  • Third Party Adverts - We advertise on other websites (such as Google and Bing) and use cookies to keep adverts relevant to products you have shown interests in on our site. They also prevent us from showing adverts to you too often.
  • What Happens If I Disable Cookies?- If you do decide to remove or block cookies from our site some features may not work like they are supposed to or fail to work altogether.


If you visit our premises we provide free guest wifi. If you use this wifi you should be aware that we may collect the following data;

  • Your device type, name, and mac address,
  • The amount of data you use,
  • The websites and applications that you use whilst on our wifi,
  • Your usage by location, time and frequency.

We do not use this data for any marketing or analysis. We do not share any of this data with any other parties.

Mailing Lists

We like to keep our customers up to date with new products, services and offerings. To do this we occasionally send out a newsletter by email. If you register for our newsletter there is some information that we have to collect from you. This includes your name and email address, we may also keep a record of products you have shown interest in to ensure that any mail we send out is of interest and relevant to you.

To send out emails we use a third party provider called MailChimp. MailChimp gathers analytical information about what time you opened an email if you clicked any links and also allow you to unsubscribe and remove yourself from our mail list at any time. You can find MailChimp's privacy policy here:

We do not automatically add you to our mailing list, and signup is strictly “opt-in”. You can unsubscribe from any mail lists you receive from us at any point by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in our emails.

Data Collected To Process Orders & Answer Enquiries

When you place an order on our website or over the phone there are certain systems and organisations that we have to share your information with in order to fulfil your order. The information we collect will depend on the method you use to place the order.

When placing an order by phone we will collect the following information;

  • Your Name
  • Phone Number(s)
  • Postal Addresses
  • Email address
  • Products you are interested in

If placing your order online we will also collect the following data;

  • Your IP address,
  • Browser version,
  • Operating System,
  • Your Encrypted Password (stored encrypted and not visible to us)

We use this data to process your order and ensure you get the goods and services you require on time.

Who Do We Share This Data With & Why

  • Couriers – We will share your, name, delivery address, phone number and email with our couriers. This allows them to make a delivery to you and keep you informed of updates to your delivery. Our couriers include TNT, APC & PGS (Part of the Pallet Track pallet network) & TOOLES TRANSPORT (Part of the TPN pallet network)
  • Payment Processors – We use Stripe to process our card payments, we will share your card details with them to take payment. We do not store your card details. You can see a copy of Stripe's privacy policy here:
  • Paypal – Payments made by PayPal will be subject to PayPal's privacy policy which can be viewed here:
  • – We will provide with your name, email address, and the products you purchased. This allows us to send out a follow-up review request allowing us to measure our performance and improve our services.
  • – We use MailChimp as outlined above to send out newsletters. You can find MailChimp's privacy policy here:

We do not sell, trade or otherwise give out your personal information to anyone for marketing purposes.

Your Rights

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act), the data controller is Start Traffic Limited whose registered office is at Start Safety, Drury Lane, Martin Hussingtree, Worcester, WR3 8TD