Wet Floor Cones

Wet Floor Cones

Preventing slips in the workspace is low-hanging fruit for anyone tasked with improving health and safety; with this in mind, wet floor cones should be at the top of your shopping list to mitigate accidents caused by wet floors, the most common cause of slips. We carry a range of sizes in stock ensuring there is something that blends seamlessly into any workspace.

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About Wet Floor Cones

In the UK, every employer and public service has a duty of care to its employees, customers, and visitors. Effective use of signs and prompt hazard management are crucial parts of this responsibility. 

Wet floor cones are an essential health and safety feature for any public service or private company. Placed on the ground near wet areas, they inform passersby that the floor is indeed wet and slippery, serving as an early warning system to help reduce the risk of injuries caused by slips and falls.

Wet floor safety cones are particularly useful in large spaces and corridors, such as waiting areas, schools and airports, where early warning gives passersby enough time to notice and avoid the hazard more effectively.

Wet Floor Sign

The traditional A-frame sign is a nationally recognised indicator of a slippery floor surface. Thin and lightweight, it is easily transported and can be placed near to or on top of the hazard.

Caution: Wet Floor Cones

The most prominent wet floor cone on the British market, this cone is clear and concise in its messaging. Recognised universally by passers-by, it effectively communicates the need for caution. These can be placed near to or on top of, hazards for clear indications to passersby.

Getting The Best Wet Floor Cones For Your Needs

Before choosing a cone or sign, consider the following factors to find the solutions most suited to you:

Size & Visibility

What distance do you need to see your sign from? In larger spaces, a larger or more prominent sign should be used to improve visibility of the sign from a distance. Clear, bright colouring, bold text,and symbols can also improve visibility.


Consider the weight and ease of handling of your wet floor sign or cone, especially if it will need to be moved frequently. Several narrow profile signs may fit better on a cleaner’s trolley than a single bulky cone.


If storage space is limited, look for cones or signs that are easily stackable or collapsible.


Choose a cone or wet floor sign with a stable base to avoid them from easily tipping over due to passersby or the wind.


Look for cones made from sturdier, weather-resistant materials that can withstand heavy use, frequent passersby, and various environmental conditions, including wind, UV light from the sun, and rain (depending on where they will be predominantly used).